So as we know, past-gen consoles such as the 360 and PS3 have to be up-to-date with the current-gen consoles. Why are they considered cancer? Well let me tell ya.
Past gen console users are the reason why we don't have bigger vaults to put our extra weapons, they are the reason why we can't have more then three people in a patrol, and they are also the reason why baby's are born with Down's syndrome.
Those are just three of many reasons why we should consider past-gen users cancerous and stuff. Thank you and have a nice day c:
Edit 1: So apparently some people are offended by the way I used "cancer". In response to this I will do absolutely nothing
You took Bungie's lies and swallowed them hook, line, and sinker!!! Vault space has nothing to do with last gen capabilities! Proof: skyrim on PS3 had a tiny little chest that stored millions of items you didn't wanna carry around. Open your eyes kid. Not everything someone tells you is always the truth; especially when that someone is out to make money off of the lies they are telling. As far as everyone not having the latest console, who cares?? It's the developers who are limiting content in the game. Not last gen users. I don't have the new ps4 but not cause I don't have the money for it. I still have the very first PS3 that was released what.... 10 years ago.... I know I'll eventually upgrade but there are more important things I'd rather spend my extra money on right now. Plus I'm just a casual gamer. I have a full time job, a home and land that requires attention and other things that are more important than a video game! Be sure to tell your mommy and daddy thank you when they tuck you into bed for buying you the latest video game console! Hope you deserved it.