Yeah...... and see ya Viola......
*He seems to just fall asleep against his tree*
As we walk away, viola speaks to JT. Viola: he likes me, doesn't he? JT: well, sithis blushed. He's usually kinda a hardass. So yeah. I'd say. Viola: alright then.
[spoiler]makin new post. Sithis has a very tragic life of somehow being turned human and nearly a -blam!-in ancient spear.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]well goddamn, breaking elder scrolls lore are we?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]yeah, Sithis does that alot. Also being a human keeps things....interesting. also i jave many plot ideas that I try to use everywhere.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]okay. If you want to be human and God, do what I did. Have a relative take the powers when you want to be human, and drink a very suspicious vial when you want to be a god. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]nah, I've said before raisens are his way of being human and he becomes a god again a week later.[/spoiler]
[spoiler]okay. [/spoiler]