I think we can all agree that it would be nice to have the content of the grimoire available in-game. (I've been especially enjoying the books of sorrow lately :D). So I was thinking it could be cool to have a new area in the tower which could be like a library themed place. The different existing categories could be on display in several rooms, which would result in more of a crossing of a library and a museum, maybe?
I also think some sort of personal area which you can customize would be very nice. Could be a house/room or ship interior where you can go with your fireteam.I think this could work well with the addition of trophies you get when completing certain content, which you could then use to further personalise. (I realise this would take a lot of extra development work, these are just ideas, of course).
Great idea especially for people who can't download the app
Perhaps this could be at the already present library behind The Speaker?
Perhaps the grimoire could be accessed at the library by The Speaker.
A library to house the grimoire cards in game would be a nice addition. One of the dumbest things Bungie did with the story was hiding the backstory on the internet. It needs to be integrated with Destiny either as a codex from the Ghost, a physical place in the Tower or even just from the Speaker (last one was from another player). The grimoire cards add depth to Destiny.
Also strippers by the juke box would be (. Y .)
Nice idea, a huge library of the golden age, with a roaring fire place and interesting characters to engage with.
only if the speaker can randomly appear their with deep burgundy robes, smoke pipe and book in hand while reclining on those old rich mans chairs, the kinds that... you know what im talking about