Eveerybody remembers people complaining over snipers and final round, where players would dump their clip and just use the final body shot. I'm response to this, bumgie nerfed the perk...AND THEN ADDED A GUN THAT DOES DOUBLE DAMAGE UNLIMITED AMMO.
Wait till Trials when players start dumping their clip to get unlimited super fast double damage shots with Touch of Malice. We just found the new meta.
I suggest a nerf where the double damage only procs if the player using it has a higher kill death ratio than the other player, since he would have won the gun battle anyway. This keeps it fair to everybody.
Bump this so bumgie nerfs it before this mess happens in 2 weeks!
they nerfed it for pvp!
Eh. Gun kinda sucks for pvp.
Go away your still drunk
Trolls be trolling and hammer of sols be soling.
Need 2 for Phobos wizard Gt above xbox 360
It's alright in crucible.
I play a lot of PvP and the few i've seen using touch of malice do not seem to be doing very well.
First, it's not double in pvp. Second, it takes away your health when you use that perk.
No, the ToM damage boost for PvP is .5 while the PvE boost is 2.0. You also loose health for that bonus damage making the enemy easier to kill you.
If you wanna die alot
You should be more worried about the Tlaloc lol That thing is going to be beast in trials
The guns last bullet isn't double, it's I believe 62 headshot, and it takes your health, so the damage you give extra is taken away from you.
It's not that good in crucible.
First all, it doesn't do double damage in PvP (unlike PvE). Secondly, it kills the person wielding it, or at the very least will make that person a two shot. It's highly average in the Crucible. If you want to run an all-ToM squad in ToO go ahead. You'll get stomped.
You realise its pretty average for pvp even with that double damage bullet right?
Hahah you think ToC is good? In pvp, Tlaloc has same fire rate and does same damage, as long as your super is charged, and for self Rez warlocks, this is good.
not sure if satire
Idiot. It doesnt do double damage in pvp.
You haven't used it in PvP then lol. It doesn't do double damage in PvP. It only does the damage of a mid impact scout, like a VoC. Not a high impact scout like Gheleon's. That's only in PvE.
Yeah but you know what? The penalty is that if they keep firing they will always be at low health. So a good 2 body shots should kill them. Touch of Malice is a risky gun. Trust me, only skilled players will use this gun Scrubs will most likely die before they get a kill with it. It doesnt really need a nerf Its more of a double edge sword really
This is the best troll post I've seen in a while, kudos.
Where's #satire...
It's gonna get you killed if anything
Why is everybody saying ToM is bad in pvp? It is an absolute beast. A full auto fast firing infinite final round eye of the storm scout is bad? You can land two head shots before they can even put a bullet in you by then they're dead.