Eveerybody remembers people complaining over snipers and final round, where players would dump their clip and just use the final body shot. I'm response to this, bumgie nerfed the perk...AND THEN ADDED A GUN THAT DOES DOUBLE DAMAGE UNLIMITED AMMO.
Wait till Trials when players start dumping their clip to get unlimited super fast double damage shots with Touch of Malice. We just found the new meta.
I suggest a nerf where the double damage only procs if the player using it has a higher kill death ratio than the other player, since he would have won the gun battle anyway. This keeps it fair to everybody.
Bump this so bumgie nerfs it before this mess happens in 2 weeks!
Not having ToM myself, I can't speak too much to the "fairness" of it in PvP. I will say, this is another instance where I would like to see Bungie figure out whatever it takes, different algorithms or something. So that weapons and subclasses act differently between PvP and PvE. Instead of having to basically punish primarily PvE players just so that you can level the playing field for PvP. Every time a nerf occurs, that's pretty much what happens. [spoiler]P.S. I hold no animosity towards primarily PvP players for this. I understand the desire for an even playing field. Mostly.[/spoiler]
This post gives me sickle cell
Dafuq did I just read. Using touch of malice in trials would be stupid in the 1st place
Op is fgt
Horrible horrible nerf suggestion
Have you used it in trials? :l
A good solution would be to lock it out of the trials mode. Just like they lock specific class weapons like the ACE of SPADES, tlaloc and Fabian strategy. That's always an idea
#worstideaever if I'm killed by someone using the damage buff on ToM it's my own fault sinc he's helping me damage himself regardless of his extra damage just remember the 5 D's
*Plays Trials with Touch Of Malice* *Misses a few shots* *Dies from perk/health so low enemy can shoot me in the butt and I'll die* Post invalid.
That's the worst idea for a nerf I think I've ever read.
Nerf ToM? What a brilliant idea! No you're dumb as a duck, you lose health with the gun. And it's basically a lose lose situation if you are in a firefight with another. If you catch them of guard then you destroy them but that rare specially if your a decent player who pays attention to there HUD and Radar!
I really hope people use touch of malice against me.. they shoot that final round 1 time, I get an easy body shot snipe.
Bro do you even destiny? The ToM doesn't proc double damage in the crucible.
1) I don't think ToM will be broken. 2) I respect k/d ratio. I value mine. I don't think I should win a gunfight based off of it though.
Touch of malice doesn't do double damage in crucible? Where are you getting your facts?
it is the definition of fair, because it is accessible to all w/o the luck of RNG involved.
You are so ducking dumb
You're stupid
You don't even have one yet SMH such a scrub
Plz say you were joking about your k/d comment
Looks like someone jumped the gun or in this case the Touch of Malice
Just watch them help you by killing themselves
And where does the unlimited super come in?
Only people who have higher K/Ds get double damage because they "would have won anyway" what kind of shit is that!? I've killed people with much higher K/D's than me so they wouldn't have "won anyway". Please don't go into game development you're clearly -blam!-ing stupid and have no idea how to balance even a cup let alone a game.
The patch you suggested is literally stupid... The touch of malice damages the player in the process of shooting the final bullet and it takes extreme trigger discipline to not make your shots go anywhere. Also i believe there are other scout rifles that do more damage per shot then touch of malice