Eveerybody remembers people complaining over snipers and final round, where players would dump their clip and just use the final body shot. I'm response to this, bumgie nerfed the perk...AND THEN ADDED A GUN THAT DOES DOUBLE DAMAGE UNLIMITED AMMO.
Wait till Trials when players start dumping their clip to get unlimited super fast double damage shots with Touch of Malice. We just found the new meta.
I suggest a nerf where the double damage only procs if the player using it has a higher kill death ratio than the other player, since he would have won the gun battle anyway. This keeps it fair to everybody.
Bump this so bumgie nerfs it before this mess happens in 2 weeks!
Lol how many do you come across using it in PvP now? Not many. It can be brilliant but your failing to take in to account that you lose health just for using the final round. If you miss shots or get team shot your pretty screwed. Have you actually got one and tested it before making this post?
Edited by RyansFaceXBL: 10/20/2015 6:05:00 AMTouch of Malice will be fair. It will make you easier to kill because you're losing health each time you're firing another shot. Ya know what also is fair? Un nerfed fusion rifles, and a Year Two Vex Mythoclast. I'd use that all year if I could. Again. EDIT: Touch of Malice doesn't do double damage on the final shot. It does like 1.5x the damage (which is the same as adding half the original damage to total damage).
I'll just leave this here. It is a beautiful conversation between Vilyn117 and myself. Please r8. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/164475128/0/0/1
Ok go try malice and let me know how you do lmfao
It doesn't do double damage in PVP 2. The gun drains your health so yeah ...
The gun doesn't do double damage in crucible
I believe that you're forgetting the huge flaw to that gun. It has an 11 mag clip before it hits the regen perk. And after that, each bullet takes a portion of your health away. Making it an awful gun to use in any situation other than the sisters/oryx fight. That gun will be absolute trash in trials. Just as it is in normal crucible. Stop crying. Kids act like trials has a completely different set of rules over normal crucible, when in reality, it doesn't at all.
Every time someone else has used this gun in strikes, I have out killed them severely using the gunsmith hakke autorifle, this gun is not OP.
U sir are an idiot and deserve you game broken in half
Git gud and quit whining. This game has been plagued with enough nerfs as it is. Now be a good sheep and go run some patrols, questlines, or Court of Oryx.
I think someone's got too much sodium chloride in their system cause they don't have the gun
You don't even have it cuz if you did you wouldn't make this dumb post.
I have it and I don't even use it in strikes too much work to get 3 rapid kills unless you're fighting thrall.. taking it into pvp is suicide I've tryed and it doesn't work you just kill yourself or if you get hurt an see a person you can't shoot cuz ud just die
Yeah, then I'll shoot the dumbass with 1 bullet and they'll die. You idiot.
.... That also kills you
People are really this thick?
I'll just leave this here. It is a beautiful conversation between Vilyn117 and myself. Please r8. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post/164475128/0/0/1
Lmao what? Hahahahahahaha
What's funny is to have your ammo at damage multiply, you lose health at each shot,. So yes it will be a 2 shot kill, but if your enemie has any kind of shot he can 2 shot you because of your health decrease we shot. Then again the thorn is still a 3 shot kill in iron banner on a 304 hunter
Your just asking to die with the touch of malice you sir are an rtard
You are the reason there are instructions on poptarts.
No becuase it will be like a normal scout without the final perk but with that and the added damage you take while shooting plus someone else shooting you will give you a disadvantage.
these guns are available to anyone my god this community is the biggest bunch of babies
Touch of malice is pretty poor pvp, it damages you and the a headshot with bonus damage deals pretty much equal damage to a tlaloc headshot
Gr8 b8 m8, i r8 8/8
The touch of malice is shit In pvp.. It gets you killed.