I don't know if this gun drops in both vex strikes but the Undying Mind strike drops it in any variant. I've seen it dropped in the heroic strike playlist, my buddy has gotten one from the 36 level strike playlist and I watched someone get it last night from just selecting the strike on Mars at level 20 or whatever it is.
- just had another buddy get it in the restorative mind so I'm assuming any level will get it there as well.
-finally got mine!
- these hating children commenting that this gun is worthless, waste of time grinding, get a life, etc are -blam!-ing ridiculous! If you don't like the gun, or you don't like how I or anyone else chooses to play the game (grinding these strikes for strike specific loot, for example,) then simply scroll over the post instead of taking shit in a cry for attention. It's as easy as that.
Ned 2 others to run undying mind strike to get Imago loop
I'm going to be grinding lv20 undying mind if anyone want to run through it with me Message me
[quote]I don't know if this gun drops in both vex strikes but the Undying Mind strike drops it in any variant. I've seen it dropped in the heroic strike playlist, my buddy has gotten one from the 36 level strike playlist and I watched someone get it last night from just selecting the strike on Mars at level 20 or whatever it is. - just had another buddy get it in the restorative mind so I'm assuming any level will get it there as well. -finally got mine! - these hating children commenting that this gun is worthless, waste of time grinding, get a life, etc are -blam!-ing ridiculous! If you don't like the gun, or you don't like how I or anyone else chooses to play the game (grinding these strikes for strike specific loot, for example,) then simply scroll over the post instead of taking shit in a cry for attention. It's as easy as that.[/quote] Glad you got it. I love the strike specific loot. I've ran the shadow thief about 25 times specifically to get does not how, and it's not dropping. Then today on my first vanguard strike I get the echo chamber armour then imago loop a few strikes later. Its fun stuff like that which I enjoy the most about destiny.
I have 7 of them
I got this from the first strike I did of the taken king it dropped at 280 with luck in the chamber but I'd rather use ace of spades but I'll equip it
3 Marks > Imago Loop
Idk why people want this gun. I have two. Tried the better one out and wasn't that impressed. Its a decent handcannon but I definitely wouldn't grind for it
Sounds like you are crying for attention
I choose not to cling to old guns :/
Edited by Kougetsu: 10/9/2015 8:34:00 PMWait what's so good about Imago Loop? It's collecting dust in my vault rn.
I've gotten two and two shit rolls each time
Not one has dropped, I've ran undying mind a stupid amount of times and also completed it a number or times with the buff for legendaries on heroic. Am I missing something ? Is there an easier way??
I've gotten like 8 so far-kept zero
Got mine the very first time I played the undying mind haha
Good gun, but I got shit rolls. Back to the grind
I got luck in the chamber, hammer forged, and underdog on my Imago Loop. Have it up to 308 atk. Goes together like PB and J with The Chaperone.
My came with 11 rounds, triple tap, braced frame and firefly... just got it from undying mind.
I would do undying mind. In the restorative mind, you can get the warlock gloves. Just one more thing in the loot table.
That imago loop is nothing compared to my pvp handcannon down and doubt on my titan. Sniping with handcannons lives on lol btw I have imago. Not that great
I had Imago Loop drop once. First reaction was, "Cool a reskinned Fatebringer. It even has Firefly." Dismantled it without a second thought. Kinda regret it now.
Saw someone who had one with extended magazine/will of light, outlaw, firefly. I want his destiny account
Anybody down to farm for the imago loop I'm on Xbox one lmk
I got two but hated the rolls on both. I helped on guy with that strike who hadn't played the game year one and he got it with firefly, rifled barrel, and zen moment or something. I said "dang... You basically got a recolored year two fatebringer." He said "what's fatebringer?". T_T I wanted that gun so bad
Got two, with a shitty perk roll. Sitting in the vault now...
Y not a good handcannon much better out there
I got one. The perks are ok but I still like the gun