The new micro-transatction currency is called "silver" apparently, if we're going to have such a lame system implemented couldn't we at least avoid the low hanging fruit and name it something interesting? We have shards and energy, all sorts of cool sounding sci-fi names yet they go with a generic mobile app currency name. Plus silver kind of implies that there is another tier of premium cash, in a lot of games silver is the free currency and gold is the premium, it's just a terrible name if you ask me. If we're going to get bent over at least make it pleasing to the ear, right? I mean come on, add some kind of prefix to it. Make it "shimmering silver" or "golden age glimmer" anything but silver.
[b]EDIT: Some of my favorite suggestions from this thread
-Corrupted light
-Cosmic coins
-Food stamps
-Shame bucks
-Luke Smith Bucks
-Butthurt coins
-Guardian tears
-Money thrown at screen[/b]
Because glimmer is such good name lol
Edited by Matt Boy52: 10/6/2015 12:02:52 AMHow about we call it Ludder?[spoiler]If you get the reference, good on you. [/spoiler]
Maybe call the currency "Butthurt Coins" Because so many people are crying about them already.
They are saving gold for the big stuff obviously.
Call it geek shillings
I think they were going for something that would be pre-golden age to match our current denominations.
What.. Like gold? :)
Like what? Gold?
Sparkle dust!!!
'Shilling' would seem appropriate. They probably thought "shameless cash grab" a bit too in the nose.
Well they couldn't come up with a new name for the new Titan sub class
How about "activision bucks"
True silver might be more appropriate. As far as I can tell, the last city basically runs on glimmer. Need steel? Transmute X glimmer. Need gold? Transmute xx glimmer. So natural resources would be valuable to collectors, and would need to be... Special ordered. (HA) I understand what you're saying though. I just think in the lore, that would be why it's just silver.
Should be called Green
Being that it is obtainable by actual cash and they are appealing to a global market; it makes sense to name it after a precious metal and not a specific currency. Gold would be an obvious choice but I'm sure that they went with the lesser silver to allow room for larger cash transactions in the future.
Should've been green backs
It could be intentional so it is deliberately and easily descernable from in-game currency.
But silver is the best color.
You could always use your imagination and call it whatever you want.
Or they could just put it in dollars. The image would literally be a dollar bill. And they could call it pregolden age dough or something.
[quote]xcrimonlegendx really? Can't you think of a better name?[/quote] Lol, please just respect, Tess is returning and I have been missing her neglected presence ;-;