[i]You relinquish your dagger to the man on the left and attempt to make a run for it.[/i]
[i]Suddenly, the monster that was behind you lunges at you and steals you away through the door and down the hall.. Several confusing twists and turns later, you find yourself being tossed into a room filled with bones. The monster leaves you there and flies away.[/i]
[i]Within moments, the monster returns with the man that was on the left and releases his crumpled body from its mouth. As he hits the floor, you spy your dagger sticking out of the monster's chest. He must have put up a good fight, but he is dead now. The man that was on the right is nowhere to be seen, and you only have moments to react before the monster moves in for the kill.[/i]
[u][b]KEY EVENT[/b][/u]
[i]You have several different choices here.[/i]
Choose the number 1 if you want to rush the monster and attempt to kill it with the dagger. Choose number 2 if you want to hide under the man's dead body and hope the monster leaves you alone. Choose number 3 if you want to beg the monster not to kill you. Choose number 6 if you want to bow down to the monster to demonstrate humility. Choose number 9 if you want to close your eyes and hope that you wake up.
Discover your fate.
Edited by CEOofFemboy: 10/6/2015 3:30:10 PM#6 Question can I choose a wrong number and die?