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Edited by xcrimsonlegendx: 10/6/2015 6:27:29 AM

Silver really? Can't we think of a better name?

The new micro-transatction currency is called "silver" apparently, if we're going to have such a lame system implemented couldn't we at least avoid the low hanging fruit and name it something interesting? We have shards and energy, all sorts of cool sounding sci-fi names yet they go with a generic mobile app currency name. Plus silver kind of implies that there is another tier of premium cash, in a lot of games silver is the free currency and gold is the premium, it's just a terrible name if you ask me. If we're going to get bent over at least make it pleasing to the ear, right? I mean come on, add some kind of prefix to it. Make it "shimmering silver" or "golden age glimmer" anything but silver. [b]EDIT: Some of my favorite suggestions from this thread -Corrupted light -Cosmic coins -Food stamps -Shame bucks -Suckerdollars -Canadough -Luke Smith Bucks -Butthurt coins -Guardian tears -Money thrown at screen[/b]

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  • Edited by terra mystix: 10/6/2015 12:08:48 AM
    "Silver" is a term used for coin in pirate times "Eververse Trading Company" - similar to the 'British East India Company' and the fictional East Indian Trading Company (Pirates of the Caribbean) It makes sense to use silver for currency when a company like ETC is introduced

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