originally posted in:Dem Old Guys
Not sure how I feel about this yet. It could go either way.
I don't mind dropping some change on some fun things, but I have this nagging feeling that down the road, they're going to want us to pay "silver" for exotics and things of that ilk.
Let's hope not, and hope they just keep it for fun and goofy things, and not a pay to win situation.
Eververse is Not Bungie. Eververse is a game company that is alowed the sell there stuff ingame. I'm thinking Playstation home all over again here.
We get a taster of this new 'silver' currency, as so far all that's mentioned it's all aesthetic features. They won't have any extra advantages, you should be able to buy one or two things using this freebee, but after you spend it you have to pay to get more. What Bungie are hoping this system will do is fund development of smaller DLC's that they can release for free. We should expect one or two large DLC drops from now and September 2016, and many smaller DLC's throughout the course of the next year. After the last large DLC drop we should look forward to Destiny 2, (not 2.0 update) the whole new game, it's been unofficially announced for September, November time next year. I reckon as long as Bungie don't fall back on it as a safe guard for income, it'd be a good differentiation between guardians around the world.
And she'll have it... money that is.
Next Tuesday Eververse Opens in australia
I think everyone I have talked with have the same opinion on this. Everyone is worried this will become a pay to win game. And that will take all the fun out of it. Now I would be interested in buying for a good price some new dance moves!! But if they want 20bucks for 3 dances I will just be satisfied with my robot dance! lol Another concern I have if they do go all out with this and stop having paid expansions. Will there be enough money coming in to fund the expansions or will they cut corners or even be forced into a pay to win.
It's just another shop to keep us interested in the game. That's all it is.
I guess this is where bungie is going with this. I agree, pay to win micros will kinda suck. If Bungie sticks to using RL money for dances and stuff, that'll be cool. At least we'll get one or two freebies!
Interesting, watch that spce