There's no justification for it. Even if I don't spend a dime myself doesn't mean it's not sick that I paid for this game and every expansion pass and still have items blocked off from me.
It doesn't matter what items your selling.
It doesn't matter how cheap they are.
You're taking advantage of people and it's wrong. It's not a debate.
No you're getting extra content(cosmetic) for extra money, if you don't want it, don't buy it. It costs extra for a reason. They are not ripping you off.
My current belief no matter what anyone says is this: The micro transaction profits will drive the price of the next DLC down but we will still pay. Or The "free" content released to us will be mediocre, lack substance, and provide very little time added to the current game.
This post gave me cancer
being taken advantage of would be me being forced to buy emotes, we arent being forced, calm down
Lol so dumb
$140 game* And for the record I like this system a lot better than the old one.
Have you heard of CoD?
Guild wars 2 was 60, has a 40-60 dollar expansion coming, and has cosmetic micro transactions. It still has a large population. I rest my case.
It's capitalism. Making money is the sole reason businesses exist. Grow up.
You have the Collector's Edition, not only does it have emotes, but it also affected gameplay. I see this as hypocritical.
Advantage of people??? Do you even understand the phrase "taking advantage of people" if someone is willing to pay which I am and countless others for cosmetics then the term willing nullifies the phrase "taking advantage" most every game ever has at one point cost money then went to a cash shop the difference is most of those games were pay to play first and since u are confused on that term it means monthly subscription.....for a mostly free to play game to have a cosmetic cash shop is completely normal and its hard to see how unreasonable some of you are about it don't wanna fist pump like champs or become a dancing queen don't buy it simple as that when were u in a raid or pvp and said damn I wish I could nae nae or soulja boy......possibly once but probably never so shut up about it u just paid 60 dollars for half a game then 40 for the other half and your worried about a couple bucks for a dance move or a point gtfoh
They're emotes, they do not effect your ability to play any of the game. (if you bought TTK, which I'm guessing you did.) You are literally complaining about something you don't have to even acknowledge or take part in.
You can now order your sleeper simulant now Guardian for 2.99....But wait there is more if you buy the exotic 1 weapon and armor pack you will also get bones of eao, purifier robes and the armentaruim. All for a low price of 5.99 Or you could be the year 1 exotic pack to instantly get all them year 1 exotics up to year 2 with a low price of 19.99. Cayde-6 "Guardians we need you to be the best you can be to fight the darkness, please buy these exotics, make sure we can fight and win." There is also a new deal guardians. Get your skin packs for your favorite Legendary weapons. The flaming skin pack for 2.99 The golden skin pack for also 2.99 And then later on after maybe 10 skin packs the ultimate deal 29.99 All the skins pack currently released. Yes its a joke
MGSV. You lose.
Dont care
Lol it's gonna be in Fallout 4. Wonder how salty people will be?
Welcome to the current day MMO style of game. Hope you enjoyed your stay.
According to OP: I hate video games and want them to die. Find my original comment to find out why.
Cod enough said they been doing it for a long time now
Really? Cause I can name a ton of HUGE games that have micro transactions and were $60. I really don't understand why people are still hung up on this. People wanted different dances and such and bungie is providing it to you and still trying to make money. If you're juicing a lemon you're gonna squeeze it till you get the last drop right? It's a business. It's about money.
Edited by skor25: 10/6/2015 10:47:51 PMI don't seem to remember people complaining about buying CoD weapon skins or additional characters. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Simple as that. STFU AND MOVE ON.
#1 it isn't taking advantage of people wtf lol. They aren't having their way with you while you're passed out. #2 they're dances and maybe shaders and emblems. Nothing you'll miss out on for being a cheapskate #3 this seems to also make all dlc free so it's a win for everyone. People who buy the hints have new dances and you get free content. If you wanna pay £20 per dlc go ahead. Smart people will support bungies decision
Trolling lol
Gta the cards cost
The fact that they haven't come right out and said that they will NEVER charge people $$$ for weapons, engrams, armor, etc. says a lot. Silence on this issue speaks volumes. I don't much care if they charge for cosmetic stuff. Lots of games do. But when they start going pay-to-win, the whole thing will come crashing down. Which is likely why they aren't speaking on this ... yet.