I wanna know what everyone is gonna be using or plans on using for Trials of Osiris! Lets hear it!
Edit 1: Wow! I love hearing all about your setups. Some of them are impressive! Keep em' coming guardians!
Garbage mode where tryhards and elitist dwell. By far the worst experience this game has to offer.
Supercell / hungjury + 1000 yard stare
I is a TadPaul
Smoke bombs, swords, and i guess side arm and hand cannon
Dead orbit scout rifle, Hung Jury SR2, raid pulse rifle Invective or black spindle secondary, or possibly conspiracy theory shotty if I want to run an exotic primary or heavy. Solar sword...either the legendary or exotic one I haven't decided yet. Hammer of sol or defender Titan...haven't made my mind up yet about that. I have a defensive playstyle so defender Titan fits my style more..but dat op hammer doe.....
I anticipate a lot of Hawkmoons, but I'll be running my trusty Hawksaw and Silence of Aarn
Juju/Red Death/Zhalo Good shotgun (if i get one)/1000 yd stare Raid MG/MG from Saber strike/Rocket Launch Any subclass on any character
Juju Eriene Truth
Ive never been in trials, im sure ill be gettin rekt left and right. I guess spare change yr 2, 1000 yard stare and crucible machine heavy will do
Nightstacker or golden gun. Red Death, sniper, Sword
Hawkmoon or some auto rifle Shotgun or sniper SWORD THEM IN THE THROAT
My setup is gonna be not playing trials
Probably Red Death seeing as the ever approaching Pulse Rifle reign of terror is nigh
Tlaloc Havoc Pigeon Arc Edge
This scout rifle I have. Sniper if I can't find a good shotgun and my 310 truth.
Zalo super cell Eirene rr4 Raid machine gun
Hammer time baby on titan. Nightstalker on hunter(because people will clump up).. Red death or zhalo(for testing purposes). Considering hawkmoon. I also have a dead orbit sniper with max stability and unflinching perk. Haven't decided on heavy. Prob will use the best rocket launcher I have..
HAMMER, omolon scout, random shotgun/sniper/sidearm, FWC rocket launcher, more HAMMERS and more HAMMERS
Hawk moon,stillpiercer,raid rocket, and bladedancer :)
Sun breaker full armor and solar armor perk (ayy lmao), hawkmoon, 1000 yard stare, and the vertigo.
I really hope trials is going to count 300 as the highest light level. Maybe even 305. Anything after that you have to get lucky with drops.
Primary: Hawksaw Secondary: 1000 yard stare or Irene rr4 Heavy: Truth Running stormcaller with the impossible machines. Sunsinger build is waiting in reserve.