Can someone using this argument please point out where it explicitly says or EXPLICITLY implies that Activision and Bungie will be handing out free stuff...?
I'm seeing it used everywhere but nobody seems to be citing any sources, and if that's the case, it makes for a very weak argument.
EDIT: I'm neutral in this debate. I don't mind COSMETIC microtransactions
Here is the article from Kotaku, however no official word from Bungie.
"You’ll still receive updates to the game," and "Our plan is to use these new items to bolster the service provided by our live team for another full year, as they grow and create more robust and engaging events that we’ll announce later this year. It has been, and continues to be, our goal to deliver updates to the game. Going forward, our live team is also looking to grow beyond vital updates and improvements to focus on world events, experiences, and feature requests." ^^That is free stuff for everyone regardless of money spent by an individual. Now, saying that they are using the funds to bolster the service means they intended to release this new free content anyway but making made from the microtransactions go into making the free content better since they would be able to assign more people to it and make the content more robust than if no money was made by microtransactions.
Edited by x813 Kris Rollzz: 10/6/2015 5:19:57 PMUpdates is your idea of free stuff? My good sir, there have been NUMEROUS updates to this game since release, all without microtransactions. I don't think this quite counts :/ EDIT: I'm not saying it won't happen. But if we look at this game's past, would it really surprise you or they didn't give any free content?
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I read your comment, I'm making a point.