Your delusional if you would rather buy emotes than unlock them with in game content. Stop supporting EVERYTHING Bungie does. Introducing micro transactions is not a step in the right direction.
I would love to have the emotes free. But there is no place saying we deserve them for free. And I would rather have it be an optional buying of cosmetic items and free dlcs than having to buy all the dlcs. If I want I can get all the DLCs fie year 2 for nothing or I can spend the same amount I did last year and get the DLCs and emotes. Seems fair on either side. Bungie does still need to make money
What are you talking about there is no place saying we deserve to get them free? Im saying getting them for free would be nice and micro transactions are not a step in the right direction. There is a place for them in Free to play games but not expensive ones like destiny.