Before posting shits like that, get the gun and try it! Because when you say such a thing, we all know that you don't even tried it yet!
This gun is for pve and bosses, because you'll kill yourself in crucible with it lol
Edited by Lafffyyyyy: 10/6/2015 6:49:59 PMYou've failed sir! Just stop bullshiting on the forums... The gun don't even double dmg in the crucible LOL Ex : you do 154 dmg with a normal bullet while aiming in the head. Well with that last bullet you'll do 168 dmg LOL BIG DEAL! Just inform yourself on websites that have REAL informations like planetdestiny and go check their video about it, you'll stop whinning for nothing. Get good, raid, get the gun, try it and then cry because it suks in crucible.
You must have arrived on the short bus today.
Exactly well said you lose your armor health on final round of touch of malice the more you use it
Yeah, try to get 3 rapid kills in crucible with it, just to get your health at the 1/3 full lol
yeah cuz 3 rapid kills happen all the time.. you lame
As I just said, get good, raid and try the gun. You'll see what I mean, and that you need to kill 3 persons in 10 seconds with it while you're at 1/3 of your health lol People are stupid or what? They don't even get the gun and start bitc.hing about it lol