Ffxi never did this. Your point should be certain obscure mmos like wow(shitty mmo imo)
..... So are you saying destiny should charge a subscription fee? 13 bucks a month on FF11 far as I checked. They didn't use microtransactions because they didn't need them, they had everyone who played the game required to give them 13 bucks a month. They used that money to maintain their servers and develop new content.
If you divide $160 by 12 months or so, how long the games been out, you are paying 13.33 for destiny. Keep in mind I'm not even adding the Xbox live or ps plus fees although I should. I think ffxi is 11.99 I think 1 per additional account. Ffxi though, had more content in the beta than destiny has had in its first year. So I don't mind paying for subscription games as long as they are content filled and not money hungry business machines with lackluster content, that they hold back to then sell it and tell you it won't affect game play.
WoW and Guild Wars are two that I can name off my head. What about Day Z or H1Z1, granted H1Z1 is early access and is only $20, but the items you get from the crates are RNG. Just saying that there are quite a few games that have micro transactions. I believe that Star Wars: The Old Republic had micro transactions as well
I added wow there lol. Ffxi never had to do shitty tactics like that. In any case to each their own, but I will voice my opinion on this matter. I stayed quiet during all of the other shitty stuff bungie did.