Hey guys, what's going on? I'm just gonna get right to it.
I'm new to Destiny as of Taken King, and let's just say I'm completely hooked. It's pretty much the only game I own right now and I don't see myself getting sick of anytime soon. I'm a college student so whenever I have spare time, I'm online. I'd really like to join a clan that has a fairly large number of active players online at all times and are loyal to the game. I'm also looking for people to want to join up for daily heroics as well as put some work in the Crucible. I would like to tackle some of the older raid content, but I'll count my blessings as they come.
I'm a fairly competitive player but I can be pretty casual. I pick up things rather quickly so if I'm new to a raid, I'll know how to do 85 - 100% of it after the first time or after being told once.
Thanks fellas! Hit me up on here if you have a clan that's looking for members.
IGN: TheRealFathomir
Warlock 40, 280, Void maxed
Hunter 40, low light
Also raiding tonight at 10pm eastern time