Omg Sunbreakers are SO op. I honestly can't even believe this. Bungie puts so much time and effort into balance and now this?!?! Unbelievable, Sunbreakers are hugely op and need to be nerfed. Increased solar grenade is insane, AND special weapon loader?! They are just too strong, and no one has an opportunity to get them outside of RNG because Xur never sells them!!!1!1!!! All the crucible is now is solar grenades with slightly increased duration, it's ridiculous. Unless Bungie patches this and gives out free Gjallybreakers to everyone I quit.
Edit: lol people are so done with sunbreaker rants they aren't even reading the post.
Edit 2: Honestly like 1 out of every 10 people actually read the post.
Edit 3: I've changed my estimate, it's now 1/15.
This post is golden
This is an old joke already. It was funny the first time around. This time, not so much.
Then quit
I can't contain my laughter. This was such a good satire post.
Was this supposed to be funny?
When will you lame idiots stop attempting to be funny
Later whiney bitch
Muted for a stupid satire post
Adios amigo
Bye [spoiler]I'm a hunter :)[/spoiler]
Bye bye
Thank you, for showing the community's stupidity.
How nobody reads the ops post :D
There aren't even any edits. If you're going to click on this obvious click-bait, at least read the tags, lest you wish to look stupid.
[quote]Bungie puts so much time and effort into balance and now this?!?.[/quote] so much nonsense...
Pls nerf Deej. Too op
Bye salty hunter Never come back
Bungee won't care about one person and quit being a female dog
As long as they nerf the real OP Nightstalker class, then that will be fine. Then us Warlocks will take the rightful place above all
You... Lol... Made my day
You will be missed
I wish I could agree with you but I've killed so many of them today because people throw hammers past me or activate it in front of people It's really easy to run away from too