Eveerybody remembers people complaining over snipers and final round, where players would dump their clip and just use the final body shot. I'm response to this, bumgie nerfed the perk...AND THEN ADDED A GUN THAT DOES DOUBLE DAMAGE UNLIMITED AMMO.
Wait till Trials when players start dumping their clip to get unlimited super fast double damage shots with Touch of Malice. We just found the new meta.
I suggest a nerf where the double damage only procs if the player using it has a higher kill death ratio than the other player, since he would have won the gun battle anyway. This keeps it fair to everybody.
Bump this so bumgie nerfs it before this mess happens in 2 weeks!
I love my ToM but by no means is that gun close to top tier in the crucible. Do I use it anyway? Hell yea I do! The looks, the sounds, and the overall feel of the weapon forces me to use it in just about every instance lol I'm not bragging but It takes a lot of skill AND some getting used to in order to be effective with it in PvP and PvE imo. Picking your battles; whether you're using your first 11 shots or your last bits of life, each encounter is a good thrill. You really shouldn't have to worry though as the majority of the community doesn't even have the gun and those that do think it sucks lol. I'm good with those odds if you ask me. I'll be having fun with my ToM :)