originally posted in:SA0 Survivors
Hello fellow clanmates,
It's been a long time, trust me I know. I've been gone for what seems like forever. I am back, excited and ready to dive into the Taken King expansion, and I look forward to creating new memories with many of you.
First things first though, let me explain why I've been gone. The TLDR is that sometime in March of this year I had a mental breakdown. It was really rough, and I had to step back from everything and essentially rethink my life. Which would have been catastrophic had it not been for all the support I got from my family and friends. I went through numerous counselling sessions, and as of this summer I decided to get back into gaming. (I missed playing with you guys) Up until now I avoided Destiny both in game and on this site, because I had to step away from everything for a while. I'm sorry that I was gone for so long without a word to any of you.
I will as of today begin going through my inbox (over 500 unread messages) so it'll take a while to get through them all, but I promise I will get through all of them. I will also be making it a habit to check our clan page, forums, etc at least twice a week, and even more so as winter comes close.
If anyone is interested I own Destiny on Ps4, and I will be ready to attempt the raid blind as of this weekend. If anyone is interested in raiding or running nightfall or whatever feel free to add me. My PSN ID is StraightShotSS, just mention you are from SAO when you add me so I know who you are.
I think that covers everything. If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to message me or just reply to this post, and I'll get back to you later this week. See you starside Guardians!
P.S. I'll be taking care of any outstanding requests to join as well, for both the group and the xbox/PlayStation clans. Just hang in there a little longer! (I hope bungie raised the max # of clan members since I last checked, does anyone know? It used to be 100)
as far as i can tell it has kept to 100 but both clans have been at a 80-85 members steadily since your absence. but regardless, nice you have you back mate!