originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
290 warlock, got the game right before dlc. Have no friends or anyone to do raids, i have most of the side quest and stuff done, but none of the raids. Looking for a semi active raid group to do weekly raids with. add me in game, xbox one, DigitalNinjaZ0 or reply here.
I am in 280+ warlock
Add me I'm 305 Titan, gt the same as above
I'm in, I'm a light 297 hunter with good guns and armour
Add Me Same Gt As Above,Titan 290+ Subreaker Titan W/ Suros Scout And Omolon
I'm In For Raids
293 titan. I have mic and experience up to the part with the glyphs. Looking g for a team to have fun and get through the raid with. Gt same as above :)
295 hunter here wanting to do the raid never done it gt serpent 0f fire the o is a zero
same here, I have never done any of the raids and completed missions AND I have been playing since release date!!!!
Im in the same position need to complete these raids also want the achievement to raid with clan members! add me dullman49
Edited by Pig King: 10/8/2015 1:06:07 AMIm also looking for a raid group, 286 light right now, but i am planning on doing the black spindle quest. I have a mic as well
add me to gt is skullrider8955
Hey! Add me too! GT: MagierBooh got titan lvl40 and light 243. yeah that isnt such good but ive got experince! i dont have a mic too
Add me Samurai KinG XV, 289, Hunter, same situtation , I dont have a mic currently tho
add me as well guitarcfd, Titan and lagging behind you quite a bit, but i've been playing less than a week...