[i]He shakes his head and puts the card away, he silently follows the women. Peeking around the corner.[/i]
[b]you see Xan without his fake skin hand her a black suit case and lead her and her soldiers into a warehouse[/b]
[i]All of a sudden, a white van waving the wolf emblem pulls up and they start figuring against the syndicate. After they have killed a few of the syndicate they all get in and drive away unharmed. Etana backs away at the sight of the wolf emblem[/i] "Oh no." [i]He says to himself.[/i]
[b]the woman drops down in front of the van and when it hits her instead of running her over it flips over and lands on its side after the occupants of the van exit she shoots all of them dead her eyes then turn to you and Xan walks up behind you[/b] [Xan]"hey Etana"
[i]The occupants in the van all disappear before they crash. They seem to have known what they were doing and up against. The occupants leave unharmed but they left a mess with the syndicate with the men dead. Etana turns and looks at Xan[/i] "Oh uh hey."
Edited by Kain The Slain: 10/7/2015 2:57:51 AM[b]the woman begins walking towards you[/b] [xan]"I recommend you tell her what you know about what just happened you and I both know what happened to those who oppose the Syndicate"
"One, I'm not afraid of her. Two, these guys are a blur at the moment."
[xan]"I'm a f*cking robot and she scares me she's one of Eva's lieutenants" [b]the woman approaches and grabs you by the throat [/b] [Eva's lieutenant]"talk now!" [b]she speaks in a Rosskayan (Russian) accent[/b]
[i]He breaks her grip and pushed her back. He then dusts himself off.[/i] "No one scares me. I don't care who or what they are."
[b]she looks you straight in the eye[/b] "You can deal with me or you can deal with Eva take your pick"
"I'll deal with both of you really. I don't care." [i]He turns to Xan[/i] "So what's with you and the syndicate now?"
"Well I work with them now I'm one of the lieutenants aswell"
"I see now."
[Xan]"Etana it's in your best interest to talk we have friends in high places all over the world we can hurt you no matter where you are"
Edited by EvoTymes: 10/7/2015 3:22:18 AM"Highly doubt it. Those "friends" in high places compare to nothing what I've been through."
[b]they both put guns to your head[/b] "What you've been through is nothing to us" [b]a black van pulls up[/b] [Xan]"as a friend I suggest you get in the Van"
[i]They find that their guns are unable to shoot because he used the gunjammer. He takes a step away from them out of reach.[/i] "As a friend huh? And do what? interrogate me?"
[spoiler]gunjammer bs [/spoiler] "We would like to know who the f*ck those guys were"
[spoiler]lmfao. Don't hate.[/spoiler] "Well I didn't friends point guns at each other and force them into vans."
[b]Shade drops down from a roof top with Dusk, Kat, Eva, and a few troops[/b] [eva]"you couldn't just listen for once could you?"
"Ahh I see you've brought friends. This could've ended so much better, if only to didn't have to act so barbarous. Forcing a single man into van. What a shame."
[b]Eva shoots you in the knee her gun not being affected by the gun jammer[/b]
[i]She finds her gun simply making a CLICKING noise[/i] "And now you turn towards violence? What a shame."
[shade]"you could have just made it easier there's a lot of money on your head it could have been quick and clean bit now it will be bloody"
[i]He turns to shade and opens his arm in an uncaring manner[/i] "Ahh shade, the supposably one to be known as "the best". Yes blood will be spilled, but it'll be yours that will paint the walls and floors. Not mine."
[b]they all draw some sort of edged weapon swords, knives, and arm blades and claws[/b]