originally posted in:The Digital Dojo
*while Sithis's father retreats Sithis and Elise are seen limping towards the dojo*
[i][u][b]Walks over[/b][/u][/i]
Yo deadpool, you get my stuff?
[b][i][u]Tosses Scythe and Symbiote [/u][/i][/b]
Thanks. You find anything else?
[b][i][u]Reluctant to show dagger[/u][/i][/b]
I sense a zampaku-to on you, show it.
[b][i][u]Shows dagger[/u][/i][/b] Busted...
Deadpool, want to become a soul reaper?
That'd be nice [spoiler]just got to school cant rp[/spoiler]
[spoiler]kk[/spoiler] Tell me when you want to start your training.
Lets go
*i hit you with a staff and your spirit falls out of your body* Now, Urahara had a good method at this but I got a better one. *I remove your chain and you transform into a hollow* Now we start. *I hit you with a spell and you fall asleep*
*I wake you* Deadpool, your a soul reaper. *you see your normal body behind me*
Huh....what now?
Well, you need your shikai.
2nd form of a soul reaper.
[b]Celin approaches them.[/b] What the Hell happened to you guys? [spoiler]Sorry I didn't get to participate.[/spoiler]
*you notice both of them are missing their swords* Our father.......is to powerful for us.
Oh crap. Can you give me a measurement of that please?
*I look you in the eyes* He defeated two gods that were in their bankai form with their symbiotes and hollow mask. Do I need to say more?
No. That is enough. What does he want?
To kill everyone. It is bery simple, he thinks this place madebus weak so he is gonna kill everyone. Or atleast try. [spoiler]fu[i][/i]cking DragonBall theme stuck in my head.[/spoiler]