According to the New Monarchy log of faction class ships yes. https://www.bungie.net/en/Armory/Detail?type=item&item=3362576764&itemname=%22Armor%20of%20Vows%22 is the link you need. However being an older class jump ship, these are a rare beauty now.
You are thinking of the Visible Hand. The Armor of Vows was a Prototype, and could not be obtained, even though it is in the ship records.
I had a feeling this was the case Executor. It's too bad.
Indeed. While it was less fuel efficient, it was also much faster, more durable, and it had a much heavier weapons system. Its a shame it required too many resources to produce.
I remember seeing these in the golden age database. It's been one of those dream ships if you know what I mean.
Yep! I know exactly what you mean.