WoL plus Thorn plus E-spear = OP AF
I've been using this strategy in skirmish games for awhile and I gotta say I've rustled a lot of jimmies
Necro dat ass
*shoulder charges subminimal1* *kills subminimal1 with peruns fire* *kills subminimal1 with thorn* *kills subminimal1 during golden gun* FUUUUUU
It's not exactly simple to get. Shouldn't it be strong? I feel like I'm the only player in this game that enjoys a good challenge.
Or you could just buy FO4 and never play destiny again.
Nah man, mayhem is where it's at with that load out. Add some suppressor grenades and you'll be getting all the hate messages. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That's all well and good but you should probably get use to year 2 weapons if you plan on playing iron banner and trials
Here we go.... Again...
Do I look cute today?
It's the only primary that 3 shots in the body. Not even the high impact first curse can do that.
Bump for the lols
If what you have isn't year 2 light levels, it will be useless in Trails and Iron Banner sadly.