Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
335 hunter,invite me gt is svart noise
334 Titan looking for nf. Gt d0ddi
Looking to farm nightfall for the taken shotgun 326 hunter msg gt above for inv ( no mic )
need 2 for nightfall. message imsinacole
Nightfall be 320+ message Fuzion 17
324 Titan lf 2 for nightfall. 324+ light only please Gt: bertxmcgirt
334 for nf. Inv same gt
Lfg for nf 334 hunter No mic Inv alaught
Lfg nf 325 hunter same gt
LF1M Nightfall.
Need one for Poe challenge mode Gt the same
Need 1 for nightfall msg overthatcookie
Need 2 for nf
Lfg nf 335 warlock
334 warlock lf 2 more. Gt same
Need 4 for fresh message juggaloxxfatpat for invite. With light level and class.
Need 1 for NightFall
Lvl 325 hunter looking to do NF GT Mr duzo
Need 2 For Nightfall I'm At Boss GT same as above
331 Hunter. Need 2. Nightfall. GT: I Smoke KK
Need one more Msg saygasican
334 warlock. No mic. Gt wormilicious
Need 2 already started
Need two, be 325+. Message same as above for inv.
319 hunter looking for team to do nightfall. If you want to play, then send me a message for invit. GT Is same as above.
Looking to do nf message xx felly xx or inv me