Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 2 gt same
Farming nightfall for the new strike exclusive shotgun (Stolen Will). Doing speed runs until that God roll drops. Also going to have a vanguard booster popped 330+ only msg JMdowns22 for inv
335 hunter Lfg 320+ Gt same
334 Titan look for people for nightfall
335 warlock looking for group
335 titan looking for nf Gt amigosuper1 No mic
Need 2 already started 320+ only ima 330 hunter msg for invite
334 titan LF team to do nightfall
Need 3 orxy cp hard doing challenge No scrubs Message A Khajiit for invite
Need 2 for NF be 320+ msg SpectreTwitch8u on xb1
334 Titan look for people for nightfall
334 Titan look for people for nightfall
Need 2 at the priest msg GRIZZL MAN for invite
334 Titan, invite
334 Titan needs 2 msg skot1 for inv
Need one for nightfall gt: ChineseNarwhal
need 2 for NF message for invite gt same as above
Need 2 already started at the cinders. Gt^
334 titan i need a team invite me AztekTx
Need 2 for nf message nord2903
Need two for Nightfall. Message on XBL for invite.
2 for nightfall 320+
Need 1 320+ msg on xbox
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg class and light. I am 334 titan
Need 2 for night fall message Elven Akira (No more hunters please)
334 Titan look for people for nightfall