Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 1 more 330+ no mic needed msg me
Need 2 plz be 330+ no mic necessary msg me for inv
Need 2 for nightfall on xbox one Gt tooshortwill thanks
Just chillin in my stream with some followers try's run NF! Just join up, and first come first serve! I'll be doing it twice, and you just gotta follow and comment your GT... I also to crucible and trials /IB ON WEEKENDS... https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
Need 1 for nightfall message Elven Akira
need 2, 334 Warlock, 330+ please
334 Titan. I'm halfway. 320+. Msg me. Gt same
Need 2
Just chillin in my stream with some followers try's run NF! Just join up, and first come first serve! I'll be doing it twice, and you just gotta follow and comment your GT... I also to crucible and trials /IB ON WEEKENDS... https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
Need 2
Looking for Nf gt same 333 hunt
Need 2 message xb1 with info no mic needed
Just chillin in my stream with some followers try's run NF! Just join up, and first come first serve! I'll be doing it twice, and you just gotta follow and comment your GT... I also to crucible and trials /IB ON WEEKENDS... https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
Need one for nf gt EBKZEUS
Just chillin in my stream with some followers try's run NF! Just join up, and first come first serve! I'll be doing it twice, and you just gotta follow and comment your GT... I also to crucible and trials /IB ON WEEKENDS... https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
334 Titan look for people for nightfall
Titan Light lvl 334 LFG Gm Mald1to Loco
335 warlock looking to join nightfall GT: Elven Akira
335 warlock looking to join nightfall GT: Elven Akira
325 hunter trying to join a game no mic tho gt EBKZEUS
Need 1 more to grind the nightfall for the taken shotgun message me light and class xi saint
Just chillin in my stream with some followers try's run NF! Just join up, and first come first serve! I'll be doing it twice, and you just gotta follow and comment your GT... I also to crucible and trials /IB ON WEEKENDS... https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
334 warlock looking for invite
325 hunter no mic gt EBKZEUS
need 2 for nf, no mic, message on xbox GT: T00ZER (00 are zeroes)
325 hunter no mic gt EBKZEUS