Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
325 hunter no mic gt EBKZEUS
335 warlock gt same as above invite
need 2 for nightfall I won't be talking so no mics are welcome message me for jnv gt: metroidslegend
need 1 for nf
need 1 for nf
325 hunter no mic tho gt EBKZEUS
335 hunter need 2 for nightfall. Message on live with light level for invite.
Need 1 for nightfall
Need two. Midway through mission
Need 1, fresh start. Msg gt above.
Need 2 for nf msg gt above for inv
Last call, at end of Nightfall one shot kill. Msg SolidWolFSniper for invite.
Need 1 for NF message for inv
335 Hunter looking for nightfall. Gt Runner0047
Need 1 for the Nightfall. Will be farming the Nightfall for the shotgun. So only message me if you're willing to play more than once. GT - Unt x Spongebob
Need two 315+ no need for mic
Need 1 for the Nightfall. GT - Unt x Spongebob
Need 2 to grind for shotgun, however many times we can do it. Send message with light and class for invite. No kids
Need 1 for nf, currently running black spindle mission
333 hunter need 2 gt same
Need 1 for nf
335 hosting a nightfall. First two 330+ people to message me with class and light level get an invite.
334 Titan need 2 message xXSavageRainXx for invite half way done
325 Hunter Looking for 2
333 needs nf team
334 hunter invite gt same