Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Lfg CoE bounty message SOL NannyGrumar for inv
Need one for NF... GT Spurs86
334 Titan for nightfall and farm for stolen will
Need 1 for nf. Gt same
331 warlock, ign is above
Edited by ok and 2: 5/10/2016 7:52:27 PMNeed 2, at stage right before boss (clearing area to summon) SANDWICH RULZ EDIT: at boss, ready to summon
335 Titan need 2 for NF GT: girthbrooks100
Need one for nightfall
335 Titan need 2 for NF GT: girthbrooks100
Need 2 for night fall msg XPabloDaGreatx
Looking for nf inv please name is same as above
334 Titan looking for a mature group. I'm down for challenge after
need 2 for nightfall gt^^^^^
Need 1 for nf. Lvl 335 Titan. Msg GT above for inv
Looking for 1 more for nightfall
334 Hunter need 2 for nightfall. GT Drov
335 hunter looking for nightfall invite tag above
334 titan looking for nightfall
335 hunter for nightfall Need 2 Gt: WebbedCrowd3 Xbox one
335 hunter looking for a team for nightfall. Invite me.
Need two for nightfall gt same as above
335 Hunter looking for group
326 titan looking to join a nightfall team
Need 1 for nf msg gt above
335 warlock looking to join anyone, inv GT is Preventing
Need one for nf. Message DosEquis2 for invite.