Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
323 Titan looking to run nightfall inv L ferox i
334 titan looking for inv to nf. Inv gt scarello
Need 2 for nf
335 Titan for nf invite gt NEW DEBOSS1987
321 warlock running nightfall message me in game same GT as above. 310+ please. Need 1 more first come first serve.
need 1. we are mid way through msg on Xbox for inv.
need 1. we are mid way through msg on Xbox for inv.
need 1. we are mid way through msg on Xbox for inv.
334 hunter needs two for nightfall Mic not needed Msg GT Usagi13 on Xbox for an invite
Need one 330+ for nightfall. Msg gt above for inv
Need 1 for nightfall Msg me: Bc da freak Bring a telesto
need 1 for nf already started msg me for inv
330 hunter looking for nightfall, inv gt as above.
333 lock looking to speed farm for stolen will. Gt same
Anyone need one more for NF invite me B0DA 03
330 Hunter
335 Titan need 2 for nightfall
Need two for nightfall
Need one for nf I'm 334. Gt same as above
Need 2 330+. Msg online for inv. G/t same.
Need one for nf. Gt same as above for invite.
Need one more for NF
Lf 2 for nf. Message stk mitchell for inv.
Msg thegamingpub if YOUR ON BOSS OR NEAR BOSS I'm 335 and can solo boss
Need 2 Gt xDeadClown
Need one for NF