Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Looking to do NF
Looking to do nf. 330 titan. Inv cibreo
Soloing nightfall message for inv
Need two for nightfall. Message VaultTecLegend for invite. 333 Titan.
Need one for nightfall. Already started
Need two for three runs of nightfalls must be commited to all three runs. Message KrypticKnight13 for inv
Looking for 2 nightfall runs
Need 2 for nightfall
Need one for a quick speed run of the nightfall before refresh, helping a friend out. Message for an invite. GT: Effectivezach Current light on my hunter: 334.
Need 2 for a quick nightfall run. GT: enragedD4RK
Need 2 for nightfall be 315+ no mic needed gt is legendaryy Lx
Need 1 4 nightfall at end
Need 2 for nightfall be 315+ no mic needed gt is legendaryy Lx
Hosting Nightfall need 2 msg for inv gt same as name
Need 2 for nf Me 335 warlock
Need 1 more for night fall message me for invite . Gt. Michaelmegatron
Lfg nightfall gt MushAlusH 909
Looking for 1
Looking for 1 at the end ..and running it again
Need 1 320+ for nightfall
Still need 2 message mean bald guy
lfg to run with after reset msg mad chemicist if interested
Need 2 message mean bald guy on Xbox
Looking for one, any light. Grinding for arc mantle before reset. Gt above
Looking for a group to run the nightfall before the reset msg gt for and invite
Need 2 for fresh nightfall. 320+ Message xxGriffcorexx on Xbox one