Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
335 titan looking to do nightfall can solo most of it myself
317 hunter looking for a quick nightfall (i can hold my own, just soloed 42 PoE) inv GT SwatxXxComatose
Need 2 for nightfall already started
335 warlock at end of nightfall, need two more for boss. Gt is the same
Need 2 for Nightfall. GT is xxGriffcorexx on Xbox One
Need 2 GT above
332 Titan lf nightfall. Same GT as above.
Need 2 for nf
Need 2 more for nightfall
Need 1
Need 2 for nightfall Msg chaoticpilot79 for inv
Need 1
335 warlock need 2 for nf
334 hunter. Inv me for nightfall. Please be over 320
Need two for nf. No mic needed. Send msg for invite.
Need 2 for NF 320+ prefered
Need 1 for nightfall
335 warlock for nightfall Need 2 Gt: WebbedCrowd3 Xbox one
335 titan lf1m nightfall fast run message me for invite Xbox one same name.
Need one for nf. Msg me on xb1 for inv
Need 2 GT above
328 hunter Looking to join nightfall group have mic Gamertag aod3825
Need to run the NF 2x Please be 320+ Mic not required ONLY JOIN IF WILLING TO RUN 2x
335 hunter looking for 1
need 2 for nf, no mic, message on xbox GT: T00ZER (00 are zeroes)
Invite me gt is the same