Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
New one we are already in progress message for invite
Need two for nightfall. Message decoy dude for invite
Need one lvl 310+ Message on Xbox for invite
334 warlock need two for nf in progress. No mic. Gt same
Need 2 for nightfall. Message KayWhyLay in game for inv
Need 1 for nightfall. Please be 320+ with a mic and don't suck. Message TheChosen19 for inv
Lf 2 to farm for reputation and strike specific gear. Light level doesn't matter as long as you have a raze lighter
Looking for 2 for nightfall, or loking to join a group
Lf 2 to farm for reputation and strike specific gear. Light level doesn't matter as long as you have a raze lighter
Need one message me for invite
Looking to help people complete the nightfall msg GT: Zeta SbL
Need 1
Need 2 for nightfall. Please be 320+ with a mic and don't suck. Message TheChosen19 for inv
At final boss need help nightfall gt roguetopguns
Looking to join team for NIGHTFALL Titan 334 Send invite
Looking to join team for NIGHTFALL Titan 334 Send invite
Edited by Ice_rush: 5/8/2016 3:03:14 AMLooking to join team for NIGHTFALL Titan 334 Send invite
335 lock looking for nf
332 warlock for nf. Inv gamer tag: adot estrada
Xbox One. Need 1 message gt above for invite.
Need 1 nf
334 hunt send inv
GT same. 326 Titan looking for a group.
Need one for nightfall Message SAsl11 for invite
Need two for nightfall Message SAsl11 for invite
Need one for nightfall