Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need to
327 Titan doing a quick nightfall. Send me an invite. Gt: ElbowFever
Need 2 for nightfall 330+ with mic Message spinierpanda7 for invite
Need 2 high light for nf. 335 titan. Send light level to mad211 for invite
Need 2. Fast run
334 Warlock looking for invite
Need 1 more for nightfall msg for inv gt same as above
Need 2 for nightfall message mcsavageburger6 for invite
Need 2 for night fall gt same as above
333 hunter need 2 for nightfall. MSG/INV GLITTERYY
Helping anyone that needs to do C.O.E. Invite Tolands Journal if needed.
334 Hunter looking for invite
333 warlock. Inv me. Gt is above.
333 warlock. Inv me. Gt is above.
323 hunter for nf. inv
334 titan for nf. Gt same as above
335 Titan for NF
Edited by Nebula: 5/7/2016 9:02:29 PM334 titan and helping a 305 msg chog9117 for inv
Need 1 for nightfall. Message RECON 406
anyone want to farm the nightfall trying to get the arc flayer gt same as above
Looking to do nf 330 hunter
Need 2 for nightfall. My gt is above.
1 for nf
Need 2 for nightfall message gameraimberley1 Xbox one
anyone want to farm the nightfall trying to get the arc flayer gt same as above
Need 1 for boss gt as above