Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
334 hunter running nightfall GT: Didum Bumboo
Started a nf. Message zyg14 for inv
Hosting nf msg for inv
Looking to run nightfall twice need 2 message xbetexnoirex for Inv
334 titan started. Gt same
Need 1
Need 2 for nf Message supa2124 to join
326 hunter looking lfg
334 warlock looking for group
Need2 for nightfall
335 warlock at end of nightfall, need two more. Gt is the same.
vl 320 warlock for nightfall No mic but i can listen and i know what to do. Invite: Ultrathub2
324 warlock
Need 1 more for nightfall message tkat999 for invite
334 warlock looking to do a quick nightfall. Invite me gt same as above.
need 2 320+ no mic
need 2 320+ no mic
334 warlock, no mic gt wormilicious
Need one 320+ msg same gt for invite nightfall.
335 and 328 nf gt Sekond attempt
335 hunter looking for Nightfall. Invite Zukazan.
Need 2 for nightfall Msg SlenderMan775
Running NF. Message in game for invite.
Need 1. Farming for void/arc cloak. Message xSoGx GhosT for inv
Need 2 for fresh nightfall, be 315+, no mic required, message Aztec Voiid for invite