Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
334 warlock running nf. Msg me I've already started
Farming for treads. Need 2
316 hunter (not my account) needs 2 for nightfall. Message Stephosaurusr3x for invite!
[quote]Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike? **XBOX ONE** [b]Example Post: Light: Class: Looking for:[/b][/quote]
330 titan who needs two more for a fresh nf run! Msg LazyWhelp78043 for inv
Need two for nf message gt for invite
Need one, message conebones17
Need 2 for end of nightfall. Message WillPOWER1111
Need 2
Looking for 1 more more for nf quick run GT the same or jaydawg707
316 hunter (not my account) needs 2 for nightfall. Message Stephosaurusr3x for invite
334 warlock running nf. Msg me I've already started
330 titan who needs two more for a fresh nf run! Msg LazyWhelp78043 for inv
334 warlock
334 warlock looking for nf
335 lock hosting Nightfall. Message GT with light and class for invite
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg in game
Titan lf nightfall group please inv
Need 2 for nf 320+ message ghost nhb for inv
Need 2 for nightfall
327 Titan . Third character
335 at end of nightfall, need 2 tohelp with boss. Gt is the same.
Need 2 315+ with mics to run Nightfall 3x. Message for inv. GT same as name.
Almost done need 1
Need 2 for nf. Message Its Baggins for inv
need two for nightfall gt same as above