Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 1 for nf gt rizzle 17
Need one for nightfall message me online AztekTx
Need 1 4 nf msg 4 inv
msg gt above need NF
332 Titan need 2 nf speed run Gt same as above msg for inv Farming Arc Flayer's Mantle must have exotic sword (you dont have to stay after but must kill arc flayer last, I personally am farming. You can switch chars if you want just be quick.) **Killing Solar and Void FIRST, killing Arc LAST**
Need 2 for nightfall. Message warlock awoken for invite
need 2 for nightfall already started gt:howzerr
Hosting nightfall. Msg jeddah kilo 5 for inv
Hosting nightfall. Msg jeddah kilo 5 for inv
Looking to run a few times if you're interested GT same as above
332 Titan need 2 nf speed run Gt same as above msg for inv Farming Arc Flayer's Mantle must have exotic sword (you dont have to stay after but must kill arc flayer last, I personally am farming. You can switch chars if you want just be quick.) **Killing Solar and Void FIRST, killing Arc LAST**
327 TITAN need NF
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 for nf 325+ Msg rr blizzy
Starting a nf need 2 msg 4 inv
Grinding nightfall for VOID mantle. Must be 320+ and have raze lighter. GT same as above
318 titan for nf
Have 2 slots at final boss CP. Msg me on xb1 for invite.
Need one
Need 1. Halfway through
Looking for 2 314 Warlock with mic Been here since the beginning
Need 1 for nf
Need two more I'm already in here
Need one for nightfall. Message Gt same as above on Xbox.
328 lock. Need 2 for CHALLENGE OF ELDERS! XBOXONE, message me or send invite! Have mic please. Going to run through multiple times to finish sigil and bounties.
Need one more