Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
At the end need two msge GT above for inv
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 for nf
Need 1 for nf
Need 2 for nf
Need two for nightfall, already started. Message me for invite, gamertag same as above.
Need 1 for Nightfall Must Be 325+ light. Have solar weapons. GT: Razzy EU
Need two killing void last msg on xbox please
325 bubble titan. Looking for 3 runs on nf. Mr x wigglez x
334 Warlock LFG.
Need one
334 titan looking for group nf hit me up online
need 1 same gt as above
Need 2 for nf gt same
Need 1 for nf gt above have solar weapons such as raze lighter !
Need two for nf gt:slaughter8626
Need 2 solid Guardians with good solar weapons for quick nightfall.. Message on Xbox for invite EXPERIENCED PLAYERS ONLY PLEASE
2 needed for the nightfall message gt SpiderMan616XD for invite
2 needed for the nightfall message gt SpiderMan616XD for invite
Need 1.for nf at the bosses.msg for inv gt same above
Nightfall, need two at bosses. Message mass nerder3
Need two for nightfall. Running it three times. Gt is same.
333 warlock in looking for inv
333 warlock in looking for inv
Nightfall. I will invite first 2 to message. If I don't respond it's most likely filled up already. I will be farming this nightfall for the 335 primary chance. If you want to farm it also , just say so. Gamertag [b][u]M4H Punisher[/u][/b]
need 1 same gt as above