Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 2 for nf gt same msg light level and class
Need 2 330+ msg me for a inv gamertag same as above.
Need 2 for nightfall Message GT: Old Tugger
Need 2 330+ msg me for a inv gamertag same as above.
320 down gt is name invit for NF
334 warlock looking for nightfall inv XDJoeJokerXD
324 Hunter, too lazy to host a lobby lol. Just send me an invite - GT: KDent91
325 titan looking for nightfall team
Need 2 for NF, already started No need for a mic, since I won't be on mine highAFmankey
Need 2 more 315+ light
Looking to do multiple nightfalls. Send message to gt above. 333 Titan. Already started.
New two message name above
334 hunter looking for nightfall. Gt is same as above (eight 1's) thanks!
334 war. Need 2. 325+ only,GT is DSyR Venomx
321 hunter with spindle and touch looking for a game invite or message me on xbox one please have mics
Need one. GT evil jiiihad for inv already in game
need two mssg me for inv gt weededfrog
Need two for NF. Send Msg on GT evil jiiihad for inv :)
Nees two for nf gt same above for inv
335 Titan for Nightfall. Inv gt above.
334 titan, need 2 for nightfall message gt Craig Ragez for invite
Need 1pl for nightfall ✌️ Dirty22st
Titan 335 for nightfall. Gt hjrino
At end. Need 2, message me on XBL for invite. Gt is above.
334 hunter. GT same as above. Inv me.
Need 2, message or inv. Gt ^