Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
We need 1 competent player please. Msg AWOL DJ for an invite. Thank you!!
Need 2
Light is 324 need 2 jtmsl is gt..
328 hunter need 2 for nightfall. Message Bringmethybooty for invite
Need two for nightfall. Already started, message me for invite, gamertag same as above.
Looking to get cloaks need two for a couple quick nf runs gt above
I'm looking to do nightfall 330 warlock gt jynx3899
331 hunter looking to do nf. Invite gt CrownMick
NF. Gt is RetiringBox
need 2 for nightfall message nvd x fudgey
Need 1
Titan 333 lf nfall no mic add wazzafinnie
Need one for nightfall. Already started. GT same
Need 2 for nf. At least 330. Msg xChromus for an inv
Need 1 for nightfall Gt the same
Inv me for a nf. Send me a game inv. Pease have exotic solar sword. Gt: Kpino2008
Need 2
I need two for nightfall I already started
328 hunter need 2 for nightfall. Message Bringmethybooty for invite
Two Titans, 335 and 334, looking for one more for NF. GT is same as above, message for invite
No mic wanting nfall add wazzafinnie titan 333
Need 2 more for nf gt is above msg me for an inv
Need 2 for nightfall Gt the same
332 warlock needs nf team
1 more for NF..msg stickyhaddock25 ingame. 3 runs..
NF. Gt is RetiringBox