Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Looking for people to run nf with. I'm a 335 hunter hmu gt : AWW A BEASTMODE
One more, bechazzled
Looking to join a team. Hunter 322. Feel free to invite
Need 2 for nf message for invite
Need 1 more for nf. Gt same as above
Need 1 more for nfall msg gt xfidel castr0x with a zero
331 warlock.looking for nightfall. No mic. Gt wormilicious
need 1 330+ for nf
Night fall need 1 more send messege for invite. Gt same as above
Need one for nightfall send Gizuss a message for invite
331 warlock looking for NF team red stirs with bubble GT clover cam
330 Titan looking to run a fast nightfall. 330+ players who won't keep dying at the beginning of the mission. message lorddalamer for a invite
Need 2 for nightfall Message GT: Old Tugger
Need 2 for nightfall im a 318 warlock inv me
330 Titan looking to run a fast nightfall. 325+ players message lorddalamer for a invite
330 Titan looking to run a fast nightfall. 325+ players message lorddalamer for a invite
Still need one
Need one titan for nightfall. Message Gt same as above on Xbox.
Need 1
Need one
325 warlock looking to do NF GT xxchuckreedxx
333 hunter needs two for NF
334 warlock for nf. Msg bchlr1986
Need one for nf we are at last part
Need one for Nightfall same gr8.
Need one nf 325+ Gt str82theface