Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 2 for night fall message MADxILLUSION for invite
Need 2 for NF gt same as above.
NF STREAM WITH MY NEW HUNTER Again, come chill with as and even join if a spot is open! Thanks guys! https://www.twitch.tv/shadedlord/
330 hunter, need 2 more for nf . 1 Titan would be good . Message Mr Willis 89
Need 2 for NF msg SSymbuL for inv
334 warlock looking for nightfall invite gt same as above
305 hunter hosting NF message me on xbox1 I'll invite u. GT same as my name
Need one for nf message for invite
Need 2 for nightfall hit me up on xbox for invite
Need 1 for nightfall
Need 2 for nf message for invite or invite
Need 2 for nightfall
Need 2 for NF msg SSymbuL for inv
Need 2 people for nightfall. No mic needed. Msg gt jtotheoe with class and level for invite
Need 2 for night fall msg Aryeox for inv
Looking for nightfall x3 -- all my characters are 330ish Gt above
Need 2 for night fall msg Aryeox for inv
Need one for nightfall. Gamertag is same.
Need 2 for night fall msg Aryeox for inv
310 titan looking for a nightfall team. This is my third character. Invite Wabkaylor if you need one.
Need 2 334 hunter
Need 2 for nightfall. Msg for inv
305 warlock hosting NF message me on xbox1 I'll invite u. GT same as my name
Need 2 for nightfall
Invite M4H Punisher. 335 Titan. Invite or message if you need your nightfall done. I'm more interested in the 335 Helmet and 335 Heavy Machine Gun chance from nightfall.
Need 1 for nf gt shanshar