Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need 2 for nightfall message for inv. also posting for challenge of elders so message for which you want to do I'm gonna run whichever team fills first.
335 Hunter. My tag is Billfromchicago. Shoot me an invite. Thanks!
335 Titan is Starting a NF Msg for invite (330+) Or IF you are running. Send a invite Gt Mikeman Swe
323 warlock looking for lunch time nightfall run GT clover cam
Need one for nightfall. Message Gt same as above on Xbox.
Level 325 Titan doing nightfall. Gt: ElbowFever
Need 2 msg react reaperz Dont need mic
335 Hunter. My tag is Billfromchicago. Shoot me an invite. Thanks!
Anyone willing to bring a 310 Titan with them on the NF. I would appreciate it. Xbox One. GT same as above.
Need 2 for nightfall gt same as above
Anyone willing to bring a 310 Titan with them on the NF. I would appreciate it. Xbox One. GT same as above.
need one nf gt same
Anyone willing to bring a 310 Titan with them on the NF. I would appreciate it. Xbox One. GT same as above.
317 lock. Sunsinger. Invite for nightfall. Pls
335 titan looking for nightfall
Need 2 for nightfall
322 hunter, inv or message Xpgp Mysterious
Need 2 gt jofomu
332 hunter Invite GT gumby240z
Titan 321 Need two titans for nightfall message me for invite gt: streetzcallinq
335 hunter for NF. GT same as name. Thanks.
Need two msg for inv 310+ gt same as above
333 warlock need two for nightfall
Need 1 for nightfall Must be 320+ Message on xbox for invite
329 Titan LF NF no mic inv WHITEMAMBA2o4
Need 1 for NF GT: Im Your Lemon