Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
335 Titan looking for two for nightfall I also need on my 335warlock...msg MSK Madara for invite
Nightfall, need two. Message me for invite. Already started.
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
Need 2 no mic needed gt: MrKennKennedy pls be +320 light
Need 2 for nf
302 Warlock looking for nightfall help Experienced but haven't played much recently. Getting back into it. Would love someone to play with for a few, preferably with mic. Mssg MitchProut for invite or to join! Thanks!
Lfg 330 nite fall . mess xb1 for inv
Lfg 330 nite fall . mess xb1 for inv
Lfg 330 nite fall . mess xb1 for inv
Need one more for nf msg me for inv gt above
My characters are a 328 hunter and a 322 Titan looking to do nightfall 2x
334 Titan for NF
Lfg 330 nite fall . mess xb1 for inv
Need two for nightfall message for invite Xbox one
Need one for nightfall run GT same as above
Lf1m: msg for inv.
Lf2m: msg for inv.
Need 2 for the nf. Message gt above for inv
Need 2 for the nf. Message gt above for inv
Need a 3rd for NF? Invite me to your team Tag is the same
Jiggafab 329 warlock Send invite
Need one for fast easy simple run Gt^
Need 2 for shotgun farming message for invite
Looking for 1
Need one for nightfall. Msg for inv
Need 1 for nightfall.. 330+.. GT same as above