Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
322 hunter for nf invite Kelptic
Two 334s running nightfall, already started, need two more Msg bladzalot for invite
need 1 for NF, 334 Titan
Need 2 for nightfall, already started GT above, message me if you want the plug
Already started nightfall, msg me for invite, gt - DeadEyeDodds
Need 2 for nf already started, message me for an invite
need 2 for NF, 334 Titan
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
334 titan running nightfall, already started, need two more Msg bladzalot for invite
335 hunter looking for nightfall
335 warlock looking to join for nf, invite CallOfCrEEd19
335 hunter looking for nightfall Invite
335 Warlock. My tag is BillFromChicago. Send me an invite. Thanks!
nightfall stolen will farming anyone??? message me for invite just need 1
Need 2 message TM Blacksteel
326 titan looking for nightfall
Need two
Need 2 for nightfall message me gt same
Looking to run nightfall need 2 or invite gt is goater1220 331 titan
Need 2 for nightfall a little under recommended but I am above average
I need one more person for nightfall I'm a hunter 334 GT greenhazeman
Need 1 for nightfall. Message sly styles for invite.
324 Hunter for nightfall. Message RECON 406
310 warlock with a good aim gt same as above.
335 hunter looking to join Gt. Apex arctic
Need 2 for nightfall msg crimson22