Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Need two for nightfall Msg GT Usagi13 on Xbox for an invite
Need 2 for NF I've all ready started. Gt same as above the 0 is a o
330 Titan Looking to do nightfall 3 times, one for each character. Message : Crusty Necks (for invite or invite me)
Need one 320+ for nightfall. Message for invite Gt same as above
Need 1 320+ for nightfall
Need 2 for nf doing all characters
331 hunter looking for nightfall
Looking for Nightfall lvl 332 Warlock invite me ANBUxDNice
335 hunter for nightfall
335 Titan need 2 for nightfall. Message class and light to GT NeoTheOneNeo
334 hunter gt same
Looking for a fireteam to do the nightfall
Looking for two thick chicks to do night fall with all 3 characters message for invite im not hung and dont last long pls be light level 514+ must know how to do hard raid and be able to complete it blind folded oh and have no social life what so ever!
Need 2 must be 320+ msg alexr3td
335 titan Invite El Chiefo Rollo
Need 2 for nightfall already halfway msg overthatcookie for inv
Need 2 for NF 325+ preferred but don't really care. Mic not required. Already started. Message in game
Need 2 must be 320+ msg alexr3td
335 hunter looking for nf!! Gt above!!
Need two message lolzcatz1
Need two Gt Jayrockilla
330 titan looking to do nightfall quick run, inv Chronic Detox
335 warlock looking to do nf. Invite gt CrownMick
Invite gt bottlefedz28 327 lock
334 warlock. Inv gt scarello
Edited by iOmitted: 5/12/2016 11:33:25 AMNeed one for nf message on Xbox for invite