Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
Edited by iOmitted: 5/12/2016 11:33:25 AMNeed one for nf message on Xbox for invite
Need 1 for NF gt Wisemonkii
335 Hunter looking for nightfall. GT ToddJW
Need 1 for nightfall message me for inv gt LX2D
332 hunter, inv Drag0nR1der666
330 Hunter. Invite Mixtape Burrito.
334 warlock. Inv gt scarello
330 hunter. Inv glocktoter
Need 2 for quick nightfall no mic msg for inv
Need two 334 self res warlock message paigenem2014 for an inv
Need 1 message lolzcatz1
At boss not using mic.
Need 2 message lolzcatz1
335 hnter need 2
Need 1 for nf Msg for inv Gt is iQtv
334 titan need 2
Need 1 for nf Msg for inv Gt is iQtv
334 Hunter, need 2
Need 2 for nightfall message gt for invite
Need 2 Message supa2124
Need 2 for nf Msg for inv Gt is iQtv
•Need 2 for nightfall grind be 330+ •msg for Invt •gt same as above
321 hunter for nightfall if anyone has a spot.
Need 1 for Nightfall msg@Presiano520 for invite
Need 2 for nightfall Gt is XxOG BobcatxX
Lfg to join nightfall Iam titan 327 Plz send game and party invite to Vat0s 1oc0s