Looking for a team running the Weekly NightFall Strike?
[b]Example Post:
Looking for:[/b]
335 titan looking to farm the nf for the shotgun. Message on live with light level for invite.
At the end of night fall. Need one gt ripx86x
Need 1 Msg aViciousWhisper
Looking for 2 to farm for shotgun
Need 2 for nightfall GT same above
335 lok need two for nf
Need 2. Message for invite. ChokolateRein 335 lock.
335 titan looking to farm the nf for the shotgun. Message on live with light level for invite.
Need 2 for nifghtfall message for invite gamer tag same as above
Need 2 farming shotgun message for invite
Need 2 for nf message GT above for inv
Edited by TheBigChicklet: 5/11/2016 9:18:01 PM
335 for nf msg Gt: swag on zero
need 2 for nf no mic needed gt- A bin fullofsin
Invite Spirales 332 hunter
Message me 320 and up need two
Need 2 for nightfall msg for invite
Need 2 for nifghtfall message for invite gamer tag same as above
335 for nf msg Gt: swag on zero
Looking for group All characters higher than 320 GT same
Need 2 for nightfall gt above, message for invite
335 titan looking to farm the nf for the shotgun. Message on live with light level for invite.
Helping people through the nightfall Send a message to the gt above over xbox one for help If I am in a game at the time go to my twitch stream and enjoy the show while you wait No requirements and your turn is garenteed Twitch name is the same as above https://www.twitch.tv/flamedrone626
Need 1 for nightfall GT: x iwormy
Need two for nf gt is same message for inv
Looking for Nightfall and Challenge of Elders